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Summoned by the General

Well over a hundred data collectors are bouncing around the Colombian countryside, working on surveying over 20,000 households for the evaluation I’m working on. Twenty of them got stopped yesterday in a remote county...

Lauren’s coming! Lauren’s coming!!!

Today, tonight, my dear niece Lauren arrives in Bogota. She is probably just getting on the plane in Houston as I write. I’m so excited! Fully chuffed! Still have NO plans on where to...

Work-life balance

I read a review today of The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship, by David Whyte. He questions the concept of “work-life balance”: Poets have never used the word balance, for good reason....

There is no “i” in team!

This week has been absolutely tremendous. I’m serious. I know from big scary mountainloads of work, and this week qualifies. I am responsible for three evaluations starting all at once. For the third one,...

End of summer travels

After a blistering period of work through spring and summer, I began to make plans to take some time off. I was still in Kabul, finishing up a final project report there and also...

Kabul Confidential

Oh, yeah, right, like I have anything interesting to report from Kabul. If I want to be important, daring, bold, or devil-may-care, everyone else here has long since beaten me to it. There’s an...